Sunday Worship at 10:45am
24 Circular Street, Saratoga Springs, NY
Immigrant Welcoming and Sanctuary Church
On May 21, 2017 PNECC voted unanimously to designate ourselves as an Immigrant Welcoming (UCC) and Sanctuary (PCUSA) church. This designation means that we support immigrants, regardless of their documentation status, and seek to promote the personhood, safety, and respect of all families. We commit ourselves to listening to the needs of the community and showing up for action, up to and including providing physical sanctuary. For more on our process and how you can help, go here.
Open & Affirming and More Light Congregation
In 1995, PNECC voted to adopt the stance of Open & Affirming (UCC). We are a congregation that believes that our LGBTQ siblings are fearfully and wonderfully made and are welcome in God's family. PNCECC was also an early joiner of More Light Presbyterians (PCUSA). Not only are LGBTQ persons welcome as worshipers, but every office of the church- pastor, elder, deacon,- is open to them. Yes, our pastors will officiate same-sex weddings and baptize the babies of same-sex couples.
Global Mission Church
In 2012, PNECC became a Global Mission Church (UCC/Disciples of Christ). Member churches of this coalition serve as examples of encouragement for other communities of faith to extend their resources into the world. For PNECC, we have committed to a long-standing partnership with the AIDS Orphans Education Trust (AOET) in Uganda. In addition to providing financial support for education, PNECC has participated in multiple service trips to Uganda to provide health and education support. PNECC is developing plans for a similar partnering relationship in Cuba. Read our Global Mission Report here. PNECC was the 2016 recipient of the David G. Southland, Sr. Award for Excellence in Global Mission Work from the New York Conference of the United Church of Christ.
Just Peace Church
Inspired by the "Just Peace" declaration of the UCC and the "Answering the Believers' Call" to peacemaking pronouncement by the PCUSA, in 2010, PNECC declared itself a Just Peace Church. We believe that the central message of the Gospel is that God wants justice for all of God's creation. To that end, we actively work for peace and justice efforts in our local community and beyond. We confess our sins of injustice and unjust systems. We listen to the voices of historically marginalized communities and take our direction from them. We pray for our enemies. To read our complete declaration for a Just Peace Church, go here.
For information on Saratoga Peace Week, go here.
Our Statement of Purpose
Rooted in worship, prayer, and action, we seek to:
Welcome people of diverse backgrounds and experiences,
Care for one another in community,
Nurture the gifts of children and youth,
Work to make God's love and justice real in our world.